Significance of MainWin Processes in Siebel
Siebel is written in c ++ and it was originally developed for windows platform only.
Mainsoft is the application porting platform which rapidly ported entire Siebel application logic engine to UNIX. So MainWin binary (mwadm) gets installed during Siebel server installation on UNIX or Linux based environments.
You can see Mainwin installation path in file as $ MWHOME.
MainWin Processes:
1) regss:
regss is the registry service of MainWin. This service is in charge of manipulating the registry file which contains system and application information.
2) mwrpcss:
mwrpcss processes the RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) and COM (Component Object Model)requests for MainWin.
3) watchdog:
watchdog ensures that both regss and mwrpcss daemons are running.
All Siebel server components calls/uses above three processes during run time.
When we stop Siebel server, MainWin processes should ideally be stopped.
It is good practice to check status of MainWin processes after server shutdown, if processes are running even after shouting down the server , stop processes manually using below command
Go to /siebsrvr/mw/bin directory and run command ./mwadm stop
Also after starting Siebel server these processes ideally should come up, if not start them manually using ./mwadm start
You can check status of Mainwin services using command ./mwadm status
If MainWin processes get corrupted or killed while starting Siebel server, siebsvc process will get started but no other process will start i.e, Siebel server will be up but no component will take anyrequest because no process for any component will get created. In this case we have to restart theMainWin processes first and then we should start the Siebel servers.
Note: MainWin processes must not be shutdown or killed while Siebel server is running.
hola. consulta tengo siebel en producción y al bajar siebel baja en servicio watchdog completo los 3 procesos , pero a los 20 segundos vuelve a subir los procesos watchdog pero con usuario Root . al efectuar la revisión y volver a bajar el servicio watchdog este vuelve a subir . donde o como puedo verificar porque sube con usuario root los proceso watchdog.
ReplyDeleteHi. query I have siebel in production and to lower siebel low in watchdog service complete the 3 processes, but at 20 seconds it goes back up the watchdog processes but with Root user. When the review is made and the watchdog service is lowered again, it goes up again. where or how can I verify that the watchdog process comes up with the root user?