Thursday, 21 June 2012

Siebel Administrator Roles & Responsibilities

I am trying to list down Siebel admin roles and responsibilities.  Please feel free to suggest/correct/add if I am missing anything.

Siebel admin roles & responsibilities:

1.       SIEBEL server installation & configuration, Patch management
2.       Siebel version upgrade
3.       Setting up Siebel tools , Mobile/dedicated client
4.       SRF, Repository migration. DDL synch.
5.       Performance tuning
6.       Supporting Production environment which includes
·         Maintaining high application availability
·         Planning and co-coordination of production release.
·         Daily health checks which includes regularly checking status of servers & components. Checking status of JOBs/RCRs/ Tasks. Server resource monitoring(CPU/Memory/Disk space)
·         Performance tuning
·         supporting all planned & unplanned outages
7.       Supporting  Test and Development environments  which includes
·         Setting up tools/mobile client for developers
·         Extracting local databases for developers
·         Migrating SRF/Repository from Development to Test environment
·         Deploying non repository items
·         Supporting performance testing in Test(QA) environment
·         supporting all planned & unplanned outages
8.        Set up and support Siebel remote. This includes registering user as mobile client, extracting  local database, creation of packager , upgrade kits etc
9.       Set up email profiles. Configuring and managing communication management component group
10.   Configuring & managing Workflow Management component group. Create WF monitor agents as per requirement.
11.   Integrating other applications with Siebel. Mainly OBIEE/BIP/Web Methods. This includes configuring symbolic urls, WSDL imports/exports etc.
  1. Installing and configuring actuate server
  2. Installing and configuring document server
  3. Database refresh activity
15.   Setting up UCM(Data Hub)
16.   Setting up Oracle policy automation
17.   Setting up SSO/LDAP authentication
18.   Automation of daily migration/monitoring activities by writing shell scripts or batch jobs
19.   Resolving all adhoc issues, if issue is not related to Siebel then assign it to correct work-group.
20.   In case of issues preparing RCA & RCCA documents
21.   Keep all stake holders updated with progress in case of issues as per SOP.
22.   Opening SR with oracle in case of critical issues
23.   Co-coordinating with different teams

Hope this will help.

Siebel administrator interview questions.

I am trying to list down most possible interview questions for Siebel administrator.  Please feel free to suggest/correct/add if I am missing anything.

1.       Tell me something about your past/current projects and your roles & responsibilities.
2.       Explain Siebel architecture or Explain request flow in detail.
3.       How to do repository migration & DDL synch?
4.       How do you do daily health checks?
5.       Why to generate browser scripts & how to generate browser scripts.
6.       Explain performance tuning steps
7.       Which authentication method are you using?
8.       Why to do apply and activate?
9.       How to troubleshoot server busy error?
10.   What is siebns.dat file? Can you edit that? 
11.   Briefly explain Siebel server installation pre-requisites & installation steps. 
12.   How to generate lbconfig.txt file?
13.   Which reporting tool are you using? Is it actuate /BIP/OBIEE? How to integrate BIP/OBIEE with Siebel? 
14.   Steps to extract local database and to set up Siebel tools & mobile clients?
15.   What is the difference between position and responsibility?
16.   How to cleanup Siebel file system?
17.   Have you ever been involved in resolving Siebel interfacing issues with other applications?
18.   Most recent issues & steps you have taken to troubleshoot those.
19.   How to setup Siebel email profiles?
20.   Emails are not getting triggered from the application, how will you troubleshoot?
21.   How to troubleshoot components crashes?
22.   How to decode & analyze FDR files?
23.   Have you ever been involved in DB refresh activity?
24.   Roles of SCbroker, SRbroker & SRproc components.
25.   How to deploy workflows? What is activate & why it is required?
26.   How workflow monitor agent works?
27.   What are SARM files and why to generate those?
28.   Have you ever been involved in Siebel version upgrade?
29.   Have you been involved in automating routine tasks?
30.   You achievements/ challenging assignments as Siebel admin

Hope you will find this helpful.